Donald Myers
Convicted four times, assault and battery of Scientologists

Myers for years has attacked the Catholic Church, wearing a bishop mitre and referring to himself as “the Angry Gay Pope.” He has also repeatedly attacked the Church of Scientology and been convicted and placed under restraining orders for his criminal acts and harassment against Scientologists in Southern California. He has been represented each time by Graham Berry. The two as cohorts repeatedly showed up together in hate demonstrations outside Church facilities.
In 2008, Myers was placed under temporary restraining order for harassing and stalking a female Church staff member who lives and works in Hollywood. Berry represented Myers at the injunction hearing, where Myers was placed under a three-year stay-away order from the Scientologist, her place of work and her apartment building.
In 2010, Myers was convicted for criminal vandalism at the Church’s film studio in Riverside County. He was again convicted in 2011 after he entered a school in Santa Monica attended by a number of Scientologists’ children, and yelled at, harassed and frightened the pupils with hate speech.
Myers was again convicted in 2016, this time after he entered a Church and started screaming, and when told to leave, sexually battered a Church staff member. He was convicted yet again in 2020 after he entered another Church, kicked over a table and spit in a Church staff member’s face.
Berry has unsuccessfully fought restraining orders against his client and cohort, such that Myers may carry on with his perverse “right” to harass, assault and batter Scientologists.